Things you should know about BHRT

Hormones are one of the most significant components of your body’s messenger system. They are chemicals that circulate everywhere in your body with the help of your bloodstream. They transmit signals to almost every part of your body. They provide information to the different parts of your body about what, when, and how to do the work. They control everything, including your mood, growth, and even body hair.

Bioidentical hormones are synthetic hormones that mimic the hormones produced by our bodies naturally. They are specially designed for you so that your body accepts them exactly as it does to your own hormones. Bioidentical hormones can be very beneficial for those individuals who suffer from a hormonal imbalance or fail to produce enough hormones on their own.


What Is Bioidentical Hormone?

Hormones are chemicals that the endocrine gland produces and secretes throughout your body. This specialized gland delivers the hormones into your bloodstream, and your blood carries them where they are required at the moment. Hormones regulate, monitor, govern, and control almost every bodily function like your metabolism, reproduction, growth, muscle development, and sexual function.

When your hormones get out of wrack, it becomes challenging for you to function adequately. A slight fluctuation in your optimal hormonal levels can lead you to gain weight or face mood swings that affect your everyday life significantly. Receiving artificial hormones can help individuals whose bodies don’t make enough of a required hormone or whose hormone levels are out of sync. 

Bioidentical hormones are just one form of synthetic hormone available on the market. From all the different forms of hormone replacement therapy colorado springs, the bioidentical form is the nearest to those produced by our body. These hormones possess a similar chemical structure to ours and are identical to the ones your body develops naturally. So your body does not find it hard to consume and absorb them easily. Bioidentical hormones are manufactured in a laboratory and can have several different kinds. 

Natural hormones are another different form of hormones available on the market nowadays. They are extracted from natural sources like soybeans & yams. But don’t get confused by the name itself. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) undertakes multi-level processing of natural hormones to be authorized for selling in the market. Hormones can come in pills, creams, injections, and gel forms. Nowadays, hormone pellets are the most suitable form used for treatment. These pellets, once installed in your body, deliver a steady dose of hormone for several months.

Compounded Bioidentical Hormones

Every individual is different and possesses individualized or unique requirements. Due to this reason, many healthcare providers propose a compounded or merged bioidentical hormone. The combination of various hormones is tailored to fulfill the specific needs of an individual. But remember, as there are several benefits, there are also some risks associated with utilizing this technique. 

Usually, when hormones are merged, a saliva sample is taken from the patient to check current hormone levels. It helps determine what hormone combination is the best fit for your condition. There are several logics why this approach can be hazardous. 

Saliva does not always discover the accurate hormone levels in your bloodstream. Remember that the custom hormonal combinations do not always fulfill all the circumstances marked by FDA. They often carry several non-hormonal ingredients that have not been tested for safety and do not fall under the guidelines of the FDA. ‌

Compounding pharmacies are places where a pharmacist will mix a blend of hormones for patients. Some of these products might carry an approved stamp from the FDA, but the FDA stamp marking is often missing at the final combinations. More comprehensive research is mandatory to ensure the safety of compounded bioidentical hormones. 

How Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Impacts Your Health

Specialists at Hormone Clinic in Colorado said that people seek replacement hormones for many different reasons. Often they opt for HRT to counter age-related symptoms and life changes, like menopause in females and men-o-pause or andropause in men. Using specific hormones that your body no longer produces can assist you in improving your health and overall wellness. 

Do you know that your body can experience several repulsive or unpleasant symptoms if it fails to generate an adequate amount of hormones? Substituting the hormones your body no longer produces with doctor-prescribed bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT) can help you decrease the symptoms of the aging process. This treatment ultimately supports you to attain a better quality of life by encouraging your body to achieve optimal hormone levels.

BHRT helps ease the symptoms like unnecessary weight gain, mood swings, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, night sweats, low energy levels, memory loss, difficulty sleeping, and decreased interest in sex‌.

While hormone therapy possesses several benefits, there are some risks of getting HRT as well. Individuals who opt for BHRT or any other form of hormone therapy can be at risk of developing blood clots and gallbladder conditions. Though it is rare, HRT can also raise the risk of stroke and breast cancer in some cases. 

As with most HRT procedures, Your body takes some time to settle with the dosage when you initially start taking a course. Side effects can arise within the initial few weeks and wane as your body adapts to the new hormone level. 

Some side effects like weight gain, fatigue, bloating, increased facial hair, spotting, cramps, acne or changes in the facial skin, headaches, and tenderness in the breast can appear when you start your BHRT. ‌

Undefined weight gain, bloating, and breast tenderness are the most common side effects of BHRT. It is crucial to consult with your physician if BHRT is a suitable option for you.


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